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06 Oct 2024

BJP has given Ramzan gift to Muslims by notifying CAA, Omar Abdullah

National Conference vice president Omar Abdullah on Tuesday said notifying the rules for the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) days before the announcement of the Lok Sabha elections shows the BJP is not confident about winning 400 seats in the ensuing polls.

“It was passed in 2019, but notifying the CAA (rules) just a few days before the bugle of elections is to be blown, perhaps it makes it clear what the aim is. They (BJP) were saying that after the (construction) of the Ram Temple, they cannot lose. But perhaps they feel that their position is weak and that is why they have to use these new weapons,” he told reporters here.

Abdullah said it is evident that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wants to use religion in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.

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